Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy 1st Day of Spring!!!!

Hooray!!!  It's SPRING!!!!!

The calendar might say it's the first day of Spring, but the weather outside my window surely doesn't believe it!  It's a balmy 19 degrees out.  Yes, you can see your breath.  Yes, you can still see the piles and piles of snow.  Oh, how I long to see green grass (even brown grass would be nice) and hear the birds sing!  

So if you are like me and even though its technically the 1st day of Spring, but it sure as heck doesn't feel like it - let me share with you something that might perk you right up!!!   Are you ready?  Cuz here it comes......


Yep.  I'm not kidding.

Find a room in your home - living room, bedroom, office - wherever.  Now, start moving furniture around.  If you have the sofa up against the wall, move it away from there!!!  Create a cozy sitting space by placing your furniture closer to and across from each other - away from the walls.  Bring in a different piece of furniture from one room to the other.....a lamp, table or even a picture.  If you are changing your bedroom, how about angling your bed in a corner?  C'mon!   Change it up, people!!!   

You don't have to spend tons of money or even tons of time on a room to change it.  Just by tweaking a few things can completely change a dreary room from blah to awesome!!!!

I spent this morning helping out at a local business in town.  They needed to change up their seating arrangement in their lobby and common areas.  In a short amount of time, using only things they had on hand, we transformed 5 areas!!!  Yes!  FIVE!!!   The people there were thrilled and it completely made their day!!  They feel like they are in a brand new place!  How awesome is that?!?!

So what are you waiting for????  Get up, and move that sofa!!  Move that chair!!  Re-arrange that furniture!  You will be amazed at how great you feel!! 

Happy Creating!!!!
