Finally......spring!!!!! I don't care if the forecast is threatening the "s**w" word in it for this week, I REFUSE to let it get me down!!! April has arrived - it's Spring and it's time to SIMPLIFY!! Let me explain.......
I spent most of last week helping out my parents. They have decided to sell their 2-bedroom split level town home and move to a one-level, one bedroom apartment. Trying to decide what to keep, what to sell, what to give and what to throw is tough work - both physically and mentally. In the beginning of our process, it was difficult to say "good-bye" to the things they've loved for 50+ years. Yet, as we forged ahead in our cleaning out, we realized it got easier and easier to get rid of the stuff that really isn't doing much good except for collecting dust. (plus it would never fit in the new place).
Now I do need to clarify that my Mom is a master cleaner. I don't EVER recall seeing dust in her house......ever. She loves to clean and she rocks at it. She also isn't a pack-rat - you know, someone who collects and keeps everything in sight. She does have an incredible salt & pepper shaker collection (that's packed and up for sale - let me know if you're interested) and she enjoys pretty plates and a few antiques. So her house isn't crammed with stuff like what you see on the show, "Hoarders". Her house is usually immaculate - but like everyone else, she has her fair share of "stuff".
Clarification over - back to the story.....
After several days of analyzing & deciding what to do with all of her "stuff", we have cleared out probably 90% of the "stuff" from her home!!! One evening when we were resting from all the packing & throwing, I asked her if she was feeling ok about getting rid of so much "stuff". She looked at me, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "YES"!!! It made her feel wonderful knowing she doesn't have so much "stuff" around anymore. She kept the things that really mattered to her - the few things that brought back some wonderful memories. Now when we move them at the end of the month, she will be taking with her only the things that matter most and the things she needs to have in order to live. What a relief!!
Now, take a look around YOUR home. Are you feeling like you are drowning in "stuff"? When's the last time you cleaned out? Simplified? Just like our bodies and minds need a vacation every now and then to breathe new life into ourselves, our homes need new breath also.
Pick a room in your home, like your bedroom. Start at one end of the room and go through every pile, every drawer, under the bed, in the closet. Get rid of everything that just doesn't matter. Give away all the clothes you haven't worn in the last 2 years (cuz believe me, if you haven't worn them by now, you never will). Once you've gotten rid of all the extra "stuff", then do a deep clean. Wash the curtains, linens, windows, floors, even the walls! I will even wash the woodwork with an Oil Soap to really brighten up the beauty of the wood - plus it makes the room smell wonderful!!!!
After the cleaning is done, then rearrange your furniture and....... WALLAH! You will have simplified and created a brand new room - all for YOU!!! I'm so curious to hear what room(s) you simplify! Let me know once you're done and let me know how it makes you feel!!
Simplify your home this Spring. You won't be sorry!!!!
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