Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Artist vs. The Hand Mixer

Not only am I an artist of "things", I'm an artist of food!!!  (well, sort of - it all depends on how you look at it - my artist's mind says, "why not"!?)

Our lovely Snow Day on Sunday inspired me to do a bit of baking!  We are trying not to eat too many yummy treats these days  (still working on getting rid of those extra pounds we packed on over the holidays)!  Yet, in light of the blustery day, I pretty much decided, what the heck, and dove into making a batch of Mint Chocolate Brownies!  I ran to the pantry and found a Low-Fat Brownie mix - not even kidding!!!  This idea is getting better and better!!

I grabbed all my other ingredients, along with my handy dandy hand mixer.  Now, let me ask you - do you just love your hand mixer?  Seriously!  I just love my hand mixer.  In fact, my first hand mixer I had was one I got as a wedding gift!  That lovely appliance lasted me a good 20+ years until it's demise 3 years ago.   My husband felt so bad for my loss that the same day it died, he ran out and bought me a new one!  It was a fancy automated one that you got to program to make it run.  It was top of the line.

Well, that little beauty lasted me 1 year.  Yep.  One year.  My heart was deeply saddened as I am a person who will use something until it dies.  I do not like to waste things and it's pretty safe to say I'm quite frugal.  When it came to looking for another hand mixer, I went to one of my most favorite websites, AMAZON!!!!

I researched the different hand mixers for several days.  I didn't want to spend too much money, yet I didn't want to buy a piece of cheap junk either. I wanted one that would last and last and last!  I finally settled on a black, Hamilton Beach 6-speed hand mixer (not a fancy programmable one - just a normal type one) and excitedly waited for it's arrival.

(you might be wondering about how those Mint Chocolate Brownies turned out - and I'm getting to that I promise!!!)....

Fast forward 2 years to this Sunday......I was happily mixing together my low-fat brownie mix with my hand mixer when I noticed that it wasn't beating properly.  One of the blades totally wouldn't spin.  So I stopped it.  I started it.  I removed the mixing blades and replaced them.  Nothing.  I took out the mixing blades, cleaned out the holes they go into - put them back & tried again.  Nothing.  I tried everything I could think of to get that little blade to start spinning again, but the darn thing just refused to go.

So now, I mourn yet another hand mixer.  It breaks my heart that I have to go out looking AGAIN - only 2 years later - and find ANOTHER mixer.  I guess they just don't make 'em like they used to.

If you have a hand mixer you love, and has lasted more than 2 years, let me know what it is!  Until then, my search for the perfect hand mixer continues.

OH!  And if you're wondering about my brownies - they still turned out great!!!    I had to do some of the mixing by HAND, but it worked out.  They were so good, we polished them off in 2 days!!!!  Guess I won't be eating any chocolate hearts on Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Creating!!!!

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